While I Wait

Waiting is not easy. At times it can be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually draining. 

But it also is not passive.

After writing my last post about holding onto hope in the middle of delays, I felt like I needed to share some practical tips that I personally use to keep my heart and life anchored while I wait.

Here are my top 7 tips:

1. Worship

I cannot emphasize this one enough. 

Dance your way through the trials with Jesus (fun fact: this provides an endorphin boost needed to jumpstart the brain). 

Lay with your face down to the floor while you soak in His presence. 

Sing out songs of faith and adoration at the top of your lungs when your heart is aching. 

Make a new song composed of lyrics from your heart or put a melody to one of the Psalms found in the Bible.

Instead of listening to a depressing song that taps into the sway of your emotions, blast some worship music throughout your house.

There is something so powerful about entering into worship in every season of life, but it is especially true in the intervals of waiting. It realigns your heart with God's and focuses your gaze on the One who holds your eternity.

2. Feed on the promises of God

In seasons like this, there is usually a bombardment of thoughts of doubt, anxiety, and fear. The devil will bring these in like a flood to try and cause you to lose your footing. If he can overwhelm you enough and get your eyes off of Jesus, it will cause you to sink like Peter did when walking on the water. 

But here is a promise that you can hold onto:

"So shall they fear The name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him."
Isaiah 59:19 (New King James Version)

Ask the Lord to give you a scripture to hold onto in your season of waiting that applies specifically to your scenario. Write that verse down in your journal. Plaster it on your walls and bathroom mirror. Make it the screensaver for all your devices. Pray it out when those negative thoughts come rushing in. It will help to guard your heart and mind in the storms.

Faith and hope will spring to life as you meditate on the Word and become an anchor for your soul (Hebrews 6:19).

3. Pray

Prayer is so very powerful. 

It has been my lifeline more than I can count.

I enjoy talking to the Lord about everything. I will pour my heart out before Him and tell Him all about the fears, frustrations, worries, and expectations that have been weighing on my mind. In fact, my solo car drives are usually times of discussion with the Lord.

Getting quiet and listening to what He has to say is equally as important as talking to Him. Sometimes He speaks something directly to my heart, but the majority of the time His Holy Spirit will bring a Bible verse to my remembrance. Those scriptures often feel like they were written specifically with my situation in mind.

Someone once said that prayer is like laying down the train tracks for your future.

So pray. Pray when you are incandescently happy. Pray when you are in the throes of grief. Pray when you feel like a total mess or failure. Get some scriptures about the things you are waiting on and pray them out in faith. 

You will never regret the time you spend in prayer.

4. Journal

I have a journal that I have filled with promises which the Lord has given me from the Bible, things that the Lord has spoken directly to my heart, words that have been given to me by spiritual mentors, miracle moments from my life, and prayers that I am praying over those dreams that God has given me.

This has been such an encouragement to me in times where my heart has felt weary. In times of distress, I can look back on what the Lord has said and done, which then fills my heart with hope.

Writing also helps your brain to release some of the load it has been carrying. Just like you would transfer files from a device onto a hard drive to clear up needed space, the same is true with your brain when journaling.

Journaling helps me to pinpoint what exactly my heart is feeling. When I can put a name to those emotions, I can then bring them before the Lord in prayer and ask Him for His help. Of course, you can always go to the Lord in prayer, regardless of whether you understand what is going on in your heart or not. 

5. Know your limits

Exhaustion and stress distort perspective and cloud the ability to reason. Boundaries are necessary for sanity. 

I am a big fan of caffeine, but relying on caffeine alone to get you through on a regular basis, messes with your cognitive functions as well as your emotional regulation. Sometimes you have just got to switch out the cup of java for a hot mug of tea or a cold glass of water. Trust me, your brain and body will thank you.

If you are waiting for the Lord to bring a significant other into your life, reading romance novels or watching chick flicks frequently may cause you unnecessary frustration. Find a clean comedy that will give you some needed belly laughs. Laughter is good medicine for a hurting heart (Proverbs 17:22).

If you are a hard worker who easily finds yourself slipping into workaholic tendencies, learn how to hit pause on certain projects, and always have a day of rest.

Moderation is key. Too much of a good thing can end up being harmful.

Have friends and family members who can act as your accountability partners. Who you surround yourself with will determine a lot about the outcome of your season.

When you are aware of the factors that hinder you or cause you to become restless, you can better steward the season you are in.

6. Focus on the present

In seasons of waiting, it can be easy to fall into discontentment, especially in the age of social media. 

Comparison is NOT your friend. You cannot evaluate the chapter you are in by the highlight or summary that someone else is sharing.

There have been plenty of times where scrolling through Instagram or Facebook has made me feel like a late boomer in life or an absolute failure. That is when I know the time has come to hit pause on my social media accounts and take a breather. 

No one can steward your contentment for you. That responsibility is yours alone.

What has Jesus called you to do here and now in this season of life? Do it with your whole heart. Find the joy that is reserved for this moment.

I can assure you that there is at least one person in this season who could benefit from the gifts God has placed inside of you, who would not otherwise be able to receive from you if you were in a different phase of life. 

It is called the "present" for a reason. Ask Jesus to teach you how to embrace it for the gift that it is.

7. Prepare for the future

Embracing the present does not mean you cannot dream about the future. 

Write out those dreams and goals. Make those vision boards. Just remember to keep it in perspective.

The season of waiting is not God's way of punishing you. He gives these seasons as a gift so that you can prepare for what is to come. Personally, I do not want opportunities to catch me unprepared.

How are you preparing for the dreams and desires God has planted in your heart?

If it's musical in nature, learn how to play those instruments, write those songs, and sing throughout your day.

If it's marriage and children you desire, listen to those sermons on marriage and family, honor the spiritual authority in your life, and love the people around you well. Of course, brushing up on your homemaking, budgeting, and cooking skills does not hurt your cause, either.

Whatever it is that you are trusting the Lord for, it is worth the preparations you invest.

Cheering you on,

Rose-Élise Melodie 


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