The Start of Something New


  The season had changed, and to tell you the truth, I'd become so caught up in the routine of my life that it kind of slapped me in the face. I mean, I knew change was coming but I did not expect it to show up dressed the way it did. I thought The Lord wanted me to stay where I was planted and all of the sudden He had transferred me back to my hometown. This didn't make any sense at all to my natural thinking.
For the next two days, I was far from my bubbly self. I did my best to appear normal and unaffected in front of family and friends, but as soon as I found myself in the privacy of my room, I would weep as though my heart was crumbling.
Everything on my iPod brought to remembrance the chapter that had just closed. From the music to the people posting on my social media, it seemed as if I couldn't escape the constant reminders of how much I enjoyed that season... as well as how much I didn't want it to end.

  Finally the Holy Spirit said to me, "Have you got it out of your system yet?" 
He is such a master of simple sentences that pack a punch.
"Did you send yourself home? No, of course not. I did because I am the One directing your steps."
With that I was reminded of a Word that had been given to me in January that said not to worry so much about taking the right or wrong step as long as I stay focused on Jesus.
"See? Even then I was preparing you. Now, what are some dreams and desires that were placed in your heart but you thought would be impossible if you stayed where you were at? Want to do them?"
The way He asked the last question was so full of fun, eagerness, mystery, and adventure that it sparked a new fire inside of me.
Tenderly He whispered, "Don't be afraid of making the wrong step because as long as you are seeking Me, I will direct your steps. So don't worry about it. You have a whole world of opportunities available to you. Dare to do them! I'm with you every step of the way."

  Wow! Because of that conversation I was able to close a chapter of my life with joy and embrace my new season without fear or dread. My heart is daring to dream big dreams again and it feels ever so good!

  The truth of the matter was that I was dealing with fear and didn't even realize it. You see, the enemy likes to use fear of the unknown and the uncertain to keep us stuck in the same spot because he doesn't want us to experience God's supernatural plan for our lives. But we don't have to succumb to his tactics; we can fight back!

  One thing that stood out to me in this conversation I had with the Holy Spirit was the fact that He encouraged me to get moving. I once heard someone say that it is easier to direct a moving car than it is a parked car. Have you ever tried to get somewhere but left the car in park? Didn't get very far, huh?
That's the way it is when we allow fear to keep us where we are. If a person remains immobile on account of fear and doesn't take a step to combat it, the fear will intensify until it holds that person prisoner. Faith dares to get the car moving, with confidence that the Holy Spirit will give you directions along the way to get you to your destination. Faith gives you freedom!

  I just want to encourage y'all to trust Jesus on this journey called life. Sometimes seasons change and catch us off guard. Sometimes we are unsure of what step to take next and the future seems uncertain, perhaps even a little scary. But oh, when you have Jesus by your side you can face any challenge with joy! The Holy Spirit is your Helper so lean and rely on Him in everything! He sees the big picture and knows how to get you where you need to be. As long as you follow His directions, there is nothing for you to worry about. You can embrace every challenge, every season as a glorious adventure to share with your ever present Beloved.
It's safe to trust Jesus for He has your best interests at heart. He loves you far beyond anything you can think or imagine!

  The secret to a joyous life is in surrender. A simple "Jesus, here I am. Let's have an adventure together" will set you up for the most exciting ride of your life. I dare you to pray it and watch Jesus take you up on the challenge.
Trust me, you won't regret it!


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