What does it mean to live a life that is hidden in God? We live in an age where so much is public and visible. Yet, the Bible speaks to us of a life that is hidden with Christ in God. "For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:3 (New Living Translation) Several years ago in my quiet times with the Lord, I really started to have this sense of being hidden. At first, I did not understand it or even like it because it was actually an uncomfortable feeling. There is a natural part of my flesh that wants to be seen and acclaimed. It does not like that which is uncomfortable. One day I asked the Lord about this and He gave me the image of a caterpillar entering a cocoon/chrysalis. There had to be some significance to this image, so I did some further research into the importance of a cocoon. The cocoon is a place of development and nourishment. It is also protection from predators during a vulnerable stage. However, before the cater...